progress makes perfection?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The scale and I have not been reacquainted in weeks, and I'm okay with that. For so long, I got hung up on the numbers. Not seeing changes, or seeing changes one week, then working twice as hard and not seeing's tough. It plays tricks on your (my) mind. So I walked away. That's one friendship I'm so willing to break.

I've stuck to my two a day workout plan. It's tough, most of the time. Especially this last week. Three of my five work days, I worked 11.5 hours each day. I feel good about myself after the workouts though, knowing that I've stuck with something I've said I was gonna do. It's an amazing feeling-that kind of accomplishment.

I've also been sticking to the healthier foods. We went shopping earlier this week and I loaded the cart with healthy(-ier) foods. So, whenever we want a snack, we grab carrots, yogurt, or make a smoothie. It's quick, easy, and good.

I want to push myself a little harder this week. To step up and do more. I do the two workouts, but I find myself being lazy between. A lot of this has to do with the weather I think- it's not as easy to jump up and move around when it's cold, wet, rainy, and just gross in general outside. Hopefully the soon to be warmness changes that.

Progress, progress, progress.


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