
Friday, March 19, 2010

I feel as though, lately, I'm at a standstill.
I'm just passing through, the day to day. There's so much I say I want to do, but most of it just gets pushed to the back burner.
There really aren't enough hours in the day.

Being a full time student while being a mommy is hard enough. Throw in a 30 hours a week job and it's almost too much.

My days are full of busyness. If I'm not playing referee to the two year old who thinks she's the boss, I'm attempting to get ready for work, or class, or doing whatever homework I have.
I'm currently weeks behind in my math class. I have a history exam this week, and honestly, I can't even begin to tell you what it's even over.
I need to go through the monkey's closet, and toybox, as the majority of the stuff in both is no longer of use.

And, now, we're approaching warm weather. So, instead of the tv entertaining the jumping bean for an hour while I unwind and work on various projects, she's pulling on my arm, begging to go outside. So, I put the homework off, and outside we go.
I'm not complaining, honestly. I love that little girl. I'd do whatever possible to bring a smile to her face.

There are just moments where I need to stop, breathe, and get even twenty minutes to myself to catch up.

You would think every other weekend would get me caught up. But, it doesn't.

Most days, I have not even the slightest clue what I'm doing. I'm not the greatest student; I'm struggling, I'll admit it.
I'm not even the greatest mom. I pretty much suck at that as well.
And, I'm pretty sure I'm barely getting by at work, too.

I'm trying. That counts for something, right?


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