
Friday, April 16, 2010

I am counting down the days, of so much.
Days til finals:
Days til work's summer schedule starts:

So, much of my life lately has been spent going in circles. It's finals time, schoolwise, so I've spent hour after hour of my "free time" trying to tie loose ends, in an attempt to ensure I pass all my classes.
On top of that, it's spring. And with spring comes tons of warm weather, which means the monkey wants to be outside, now please! It's nonstop go go go with this [almost!] three year old, I swear. If she's not playing in the background, she's wanting to go to the park, or take a walk, or ride her bike, or go do this, or that, or... really, it never ends.

In the midst of being mommy to that not so little bundle of beauty and attending classes I'd really rather not being attending, I'm also working, five days a week.

And, then, throw in the fact that, randomly, recently, I started "dating" somebody. [the term 'dating' is used loosely, because really, I'm not quite positive what we are doing..] It's a slow process, mostly because I'm so swamped with end of the semester school stuff. But, we've got feelings for each other and in the midst of conversations about such feelings, we've discovered, well, we're the definition of each others' "something different." Because of him, I smile a little more.

So, yes, when I'm asked if I'm ready for summer, my answer is most definitely a yes, complete with an exclamation point. Because, really, who wouldn't be ready to replace their schoolwork time with boyfriend time?


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